
讲座讲谈 翻越山丘,山东、四川石经的调查与研究(公元6-8世纪)

2022-08-02 07:04:16

Climbing Mountains in Shandong and Sichuan to Study and Record Buddhist Texts
(6th-8th century AD)

雷德侯(Prof. Dr. Lothar Ledderose)

孙华 教授



在德国海德堡科学院(the Academy in Heidelberg)基金的支持下,雷德侯(Lothar Ledderose)教授及其团队,与中国的学术机构展开了关于石经的合作项目。在过往的十年中,合作团队对山东和四川刻凿于深山幽谷、洞窟崖壁、石碑石板之上的早期石经(公元6-9世纪)进行了调查与记录。这一过程包括详细地田野测量和碑文记录,以及随后的著录、分析和出版。这些重要的碑刻以往很少被关注,并且从未出版过正式而全面的报告。这些石经不仅揭示了中所知历史形象的角色和活动,也展现了同时期丰富的书法种类。

Lothar Ledderose
雷德侯(Prof. Dr. Lothar Ledderose),德国海德堡大学东亚艺术史系教授,世界上最有影响力的汉学家和东亚艺术史学家之一。1942年7月出生于德国慕尼。1961~1969年在科隆、波恩、巴黎、台北、海德堡等地学习东亚艺术、欧洲艺术、汉学、日本学;1969年以《清代的篆刻》论文获海德堡大学哲学院东亚艺术史专业博士;1969~1971年,先后在美国普林斯顿大学(Princeton University)、哈佛大学(Harvard University)做博士后;1971~1972年在台北故宫博物院从事翻译和研究工作; 1973~1975年任日本东京大学东亚文化研究所(Institute for Oriental Culture, Tokyo University)特约研究员;1975~1976年在德国柏林国立博物馆的东亚博物馆(Asian Art Museum, East Asian Art Collection,National Museums in Berlin)任职;1976年在德国 科隆大学(University of Cologne)任教并获得教授资格,同年被聘为海德堡大学(Heidelberg University)教授,执教于东亚艺术史系至今。其间,1976~2010 年曾任系主任(即东亚艺术史研究所所长)。1978年兼任海德堡大学哲学和历史学院院长。雷德侯教授先后担任过德国东方学会副会长、会长(German Oriental Society,1978~1996),德国汉堡国际亚洲和北非学会主席(International Congress of Asian and NorthAfrican Studies [ICANAS], Hamburg,1986)。1983~1984年被评为德国柏林学术院院士;同年,获评任德意志考古研究所通讯员(German Archaeological Institute Since);1986年被评为海德堡科学院院士(Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities),1996年被评为英国学术院通讯院士(British Academy)。此外,他还担任日本《东亚研究》(Scuola di Studi sull ’ Asia Orientale)、斯特哥尔摩《远东古物博物馆馆刊》(Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities)和台北《美術史研究季刊》、巴黎《亚洲艺术》(Arts Asiatiques)四家学术刊物的常任评(编)委。
雷德侯教授还受聘任剑桥大学(Cambridge University)荣誉教授(1992);芝加哥大学(University of Chicago,1996)、台湾大学(1997)、东京大学(Kyoto University ,1997)的客座教授;美国洛杉矶盖蒂美术馆(Getty Research Institute,Los Angeles, 2000~2001)(访问)学者;华盛顿国家美术馆(Mellon Lecturer,National Gallery, Washington,D.C )、堪萨斯大学(Murphy Lecturer,University of Kansas) 特约教师。2014年荣任中国故宫博物院首批特聘的四位国际学术研究顾问之一。
雷德侯教授在德国主持举办的展览有“紫禁城的珍宝”(Palastmuseum Peking. Schätze aus der Verbotenen Stadt,柏林,1985),“长城那方:中国第一个皇帝和他的兵马俑大军”(Jenseits der Grossen Mauer. Der erste Kaiser von China und seine Terrakotta-Armee,多特蒙德,1990),“日本和欧洲”(Japan und Europa,柏林,1993)、“中国明清绘画”(Im Schatten hoher Bäume. Malerei der Ming-und Qing Dynastien aus der Volksrepublik China,巴登-巴登、科隆、汉堡,1985)等。
雷德侯教授的专著有《米芾与中国书法的古典传统》(Mi Fu and the Classical Tradition of Chinese Calligraphy,普林斯顿大学,1979初版)、《兰与石——柏林东亚艺术博物馆藏中国书画》(Orchideen und Felsen: Chinesische Bilder im Museum für Ostasiatische Kunst Berlin,1998,柏林出版)、《万物》(Ten Thousand Things: Module and Mass Production in Chinese Art,普林斯顿大学,2000初版)等。其中《万物》一书于2002年荣获列文森图书奖(Joseph Levenson Book Prize)。2005年9月,因为对亚洲艺术史有突出贡献,雷德侯教授被授予国际人文学科最高奖——巴尔赞奖 (Balzan Prize)。

the ascending spiral evolvement of carriers of buddhist sutras --- from stone to paper

孙华 北京大学考古文博学院

由德国海德堡大学东亚艺术研究所雷德侯(Lothar Ledderose)教授主持、德国和中国学者共同完成的《四川石经》第一卷获得了2015年度的Toshi Prise,我仅代表参与这个项目的中国方面的学者,对加州大学伯克利分校研究中心表示衷心的感谢,对我们的合作方德国学者们认真负责的工作态度表示深深的敬意。在这里,我主要谈谈的载体从纸质转变为石质,再由石质又转变为纸本的过程及其意义,顺便对《四川石经》刊布后的进一步工作,谈点自己的看法。

一. 从纸本到石刻再到纸本
From paper-base to stone carving and back to paper-base


It was the time that paper writing was gradually taking over bamboo writing when Buddhism first spread into China. The normal cases were, monks translated Buddhist texts and sutras into Chinese language, and wrote them on papers. Before printing was invented, these texts could only be copied by hands. It was time consuming, and often times there were errors occurring. Inspired by Chinese poets and scholars carving texts on steles since Eastern Han Dynasty, Buddhists started to carve texts and sutras onto cliffs and steles in order to spread Buddhism further and to more people, also to provide standard benchmarks to those who copy texts.


After a while since Buddhism spread into China, its profound influence started to worry the secular. There were four major events with the intention to ban Buddhism in 444 AD, 574 AD, and 845 AD. Having been through these events, the sense of crisis arose in the minds of Buddhists, thus they decided to carve the most important Buddhist texts (and even with the hope to carve all texts) into stones on mountain cliffs, caves and steles with the idea that stone is meant to last forever. However, either stones that are located outside exposed to sunlight or rain or those are located inside caves, the stone carriers are often subjected to erosion of rainfall, water penetration, decay caused by moss, ichen, or fungi, erosion by wind, etc. Nowadays, many stone carvings are thus hard to recognize after suffering from erosion from above mentioned causes.


In order to keep and study these stone carvings, we use traditional rubbing techniques, and the later photograph techniques to record these damaged and eroded stone sutras so that the texts can be kept and be passed down. It is the main method to preserve, collect and study these Buddhist sutras. As modern technologies in 3D such as scanning, digital photography and multi-spectral photography applying to the field of art history and Buddhist history, the volume recorded and the accuracy of recording have been improved much. Also, as modern printing techniques rapidly develops and the prosperity in press industry, now images can be delicately and comprehensively printed into books and pass the information and knowledge to readers in the form of books. Now we can print those stone carvings into books. Through publishing these books, we can make sure these Buddhist texts can be spread and collected, not only providing reliable reference for researchers and scholars, but also contributing to preservation of Buddhist texts.


We now live in a digital era. Many paper based magazines and newspapers are replaced by e-books or online newspapers. Some may argue that it is not necessary to preserve texts using more costly traditional paper based books. Instead we could use CDs, hard drives, cloud services to store these information. I tend to disagree. A friend once told me during the 1990 Asian Games, many moments were recorded and stored in disks and CDs, but they are now no longer accessible because of technical failures. Paper based texts however, can be stored for more than a thousand years, while texts stored in microfilms can be preserved for more than a hundred years under normal circumstances. Files stored by digital means such as disks and CDs can only be preserved for a few decades, and even less if technical issues happened. Therefore using books as carrier to preserve and pass down valuable texts is still the safest and most reliable mothed.


Carrier of the Buddhist texts in Chinese changed from paper-based books to stone base, and change back to paper-based books again, thus formed a cycle of the history of Buddhist texts carriers.

二.  从四川石经到重庆石经
From Sichuan stone sutras to Chongqing stone sutras


Sichuan Basin is an independent geographical unit; from North West to South East there are plain area, mountain-hill area and ridge-and-valley area. Since the stone cave temples are mainly distributed in the central mountain-hill area, the stone sutras are therefore mainly scattered in that region. In 1997, due to the construction of China's Three Gorges Dam project, the mountain-hill area in the east basin together with part of the mountain-hill area in the middle basin were divided out of Sichuan Province and established the Direct-controlled municipality Chongqing City, among which contains the Dazu, Tongnan, Hechuan Districts, which originally belonged to the important stone cave temple region. Since the Dazu district was divided to Chongqing City, Anyue and Dazu, which were both in the range of Liubenzun religious flock mission district now belong to Sichuan Province and Chongqing city respectively,the remains of the religious mission district were therefore being separated administratively.


Considering the current administrative division and the fact that there’s already a book called the inscription of Dazu Stone Carvings (Chongqing Press, 1999), the book Sichuan Stone Sutras does not include the stone sutras in Chongqing area. Although the earlier published the inscription of Dazu Stone Carvings (Chongqing Press, 1999) had made great effort to guarantee an exhaustive record of the religious stone inscription in Dazu County, such as investigation, photo, rubbing, recording and research, however it failed to cover all the religious inscription in Chongqing City. Meanwhile, the record of inscription in Dazu took comprehensive contents including sutras, scriptures, Buddhist’s chant, travel literatures and many records of cave cutting, status carving and status make-up, which were not only about sutra and relevant contents. Since the publish-and-print technology was less developed in the 1990’s,most of the sutras, scriptures and eulogy were not set with corresponding rubbing pictures, even though there was a rubbing picture ,it was always small and vague, and lack three-dimensional digital records. Therefore, it is very necessary to re-record the stone sutras in the area of Chongqing City. 


Sichuan and Chongqing both belong to the Sichuan Basin, and it is taken for granted that we should add the sutras, scriptures, Buddhist’s chant, eulogy and so on in Chongqing City Area in the form of Sichuan Stone Sutras. Apart from that, there are many similar sutras, scriptures and Buddhist’s chant in Anyue County as that in Dazu Baoding Mountain, re-record and publish those would certainly help to keep the written texts of Liubenzun religious flock.

三. 从石经报告到石窟报告
From Stone Sutras to Grotto Reports


Buddhist stone sutras are comparable to paper or engraved wooden sutras collected in monasteries, is part of the “three jewels” of the temple.  The Sichuan Buddhist stone sutras, mostly found in cave temples, were being carved onto cave and cliff surfaces, and at times even on the exterior face of the Buddhist stupa, only very few Buddhist stone sutras were inscribed on stone slabs, stashed away in grottoes and dens of the monasteries, such as those uncovered at Lingyan Temple in Dujiangyan, Sichuan. Therefore, Buddhist stone sutras can often be found with Buddhist niche statues, in a cave temple, it is possible to find both stone sutras and statues; in a single cave or a group of grottoes, some of which can also have both statues and inscribed sutras.  The Grove of the Reclining Buddha (Wofowan) in Anyue County, Sichuan, is one such example.



There should exist some kind of connections between the creations of the statues and inscribed sutras for cave temples such as The Grove of the Reclining Buddha in Anyue, where both stone sutras and niche statues that dated from approximately the same period can be found.  A complete documentation of the statue niche grottoes and inscribed sutras niche grottoes, where detail analysis of the relationship between the statues and stone sutras are being carried out, can no doubt contribute to our in-depth understanding of the historical background of the emergence of the stone sutras. Following the publication of the Sichuan Buddhist Stone Sutras, we should continue to carry out survey, documentation, mapping, and drafting of archaeological reports for cave temples such as The Grove of the Reclining Buddha in Anyue, and strive to publish such archeological reports, so as to advance the research for Sichuan stone sutras and archeological research for cave temples.



As mentioned earlier, some of the Buddhist stone sutras are a product of the “Dharma annihilation crisis” felt by Buddhist followers, they hoped that the Buddhist sutras can be preserved in the long term through the survival of the hard and durable stone material. In addition to the Buddhist stone sutras, the most prominent feature at The Grove of the Reclining Buddha in Anyue is the large reclining Buddha located at the north cliff face of the valley. This sculpture that depicts the scene for “The last teaching before Siddhartha’s Parinirvana”, may possibly suggests the temporal interruption of Dharma during the catastrophe of Buddhism, but through the inscription of the Buddhist sutra in the caves, the Buddhist teachings can spread far and long. There are two inscribed sutra caves on the higher parts of the cliff face on either side of the reclining Buddha, the two caves above the sculpted head do not have inscribed sutras, apparently these inscribed sutra caves and the reclining Buddha statue have synchronized planning. Diagonally across the reclining Buddha statue, which is on top of the south side cliff face of the valley, and on the north side of the further east river bay, laid more caves that may or may not have inscribed sutras, the construction of some of these caves have not being completed.  These caves should also have being planned in a coordinated manner, and the digging of the caves began successively, but due to some uncertain reason, the synchronically planned cave digging and sutra carving activities were once terminated. At Peking University we already have a graduate student who studied the relationship between the statues and inscribed sutra at The Grove of the Reclining Buddha in Anyue, and proposed that the cave construction activities of the site began during the early period of Tang Dynasty Kaiyuan Period, the earliest activities began with the three major caves at the north cliff of the reclining Buddha, and those located at the south cliff that contain listing of the inscribed Buddhist sutra, and thereafter developed from both sides of the three major caves (Ren Jing, 2014). This is only but a preliminary conclusion, further understanding will be gained with the drafting of the report for the cave temples at The Grove of the Reclining Buddha.

本文为孙华教授在美国参加“2015 Toshihide Numata Bookprize Presentation and Symposium”时的发言稿,授权“纸上考古”发布,转载请注明出处。






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