
客户下不下单,其实你能决定You can Deside Customers' Orders.

2022-04-02 14:05:51


Dare to make a business proposal and make orders to the customer


Force the order, that is forcing customers to confirm the orders.Many salesmen have no courage to take this step. In many cases, the customer is inclined to the product , but the order has been delayed. Or even if the order is sent, no confirmation is received.  


Since we have identified the buyer's intention, we may take one more step forwardly.On the one hand, asking the customers for their doubts about the products and services, and then give them the reasons to place order.  On the other hand, sending the contract directly to the customer to confirm and sign. You may likely get this order if the customer has no objection to the contract.

Actually, we are in an equal cooperative relationship with our clients,and we are not indebted to each other.The customer can give us the order directly, and we can also ask for the order from them.We should take the initiative to obtain the order instead of  waiting for the orders from them.Even if the customer decides to abandon the order,we need to know why.


Impress clients with the topics that can resonate them


The salesman should know how to seize the opportunity about facilitating the transaction.A salesman sent a congratulatory email to his Indian clients when he learned that India had won the first gold medal in a competition at the 2008 Olympic Games.After congratulating, the rate of customer response was significantly higher than before.And then he completed an order.


You can seize every opportunity to communicate with your clients and enhance your relationship.Even if it doesn't work, you make the customers remember you.It is also a kind of harvest to make a good impression on customers.


Accessing information in multichannel 

和大家分享一下获取信息的重要性。平时GUMMI BEREIFUNG每天固定推送十来条消息。有一次点开一条消息,发现新闻报道的就是德国某地仓库失火了,而仓库老板正是我的客户。其实我当时心里想的是,客户仓库失火,想必损失惨重,发生这样不幸的事,自己是不是就别再给对方添乱了,因此纠结要不要发封邮件问候一下客户。但我还是给客户发了封关切信。客户给我回了邮件,向我描述他们那边库房由于货物堆放不规范,再加上天气的原因,就起火了。我回复道:If you need any help,我可以随时为你提供帮助。之后客户又给我下单了。

Now I’d like to share the importance of getting information with you.GUMMI BEREIFUNG regularly sends ten messages a day.Last time i learned a message that  a warehouse in Germany had lost its fire.And the warehouse owner was my client.In fact, I was thinking that the customer must have suffered a great loss in such an unfortunate,and i shouldn’t bother him.So I wondered if I should send an email to greet my client,and i did it.The customer replied me and told me that it was the nonstandard placing of stock and weather that cause the fire. I replied that:“If you need any help, pls contact me at any tim." After that, the customer gave me an order again.


I sent him the email within three to five minutes after the news came out. The customer was surprised by my timeliness of information and the speed of my action.Besides he will think that I have strong information acquisition ability and action motivation.


Dive down for business,and maintain the heat of sales


The pressure of sales is great. There are many salesmen eager to get the orders.They make customers choose to cooperate with them when they just contact twice.But the fact is that if the client already has a partner, they won't be attracted by it soon.


For example,girls buy cosmetics, and I believe that everyone has a fixed brand in mind. But you won't change them fluently. You may add more brands. For example, you change the eye cream when it runs out; You change the lipstick when it is used up. But you may rarely change the cleansing cosmetics.The customers are the same.Even if they want to buy your brand, he can order 10 containers a month for example, he is difficult to place all these 10 container to you only. He may try to buy half a container for trial and increase the quantity if everything is stable and the market response is good. 



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